What Karate Really Meant To Me During Lockdown: Project 6th DanThere is absolutely no doubt that this has been a most unique and challenging twelve months. Nobody could have predicted what 2020 was...
The Sheer Joy Of Getting Back To Training In Karate When Living With CancerSo, it is exactly 8 weeks and two days since I had my operation at the Priory hospital. It is 2:45am and try as I might, I cannot sleep....
The Legacy Of Shotokan: RIP Sensei Bob Poynton A Good ManI was quite simply lost for words this week when I read a post on Facebook that Sensei Bob Poynton had died suddenly. I was surprised at...
2019: What a Year for Enso SKCIt is always an interesting experience, as one year draws to a close, to look back with fondness on a year in life achieved, and all that...
Karate, Japan, Culture And KarmaI watched a brilliant couple of documentaries about life and culture in Japan. One was called “The Art of Japanese Life” presented by Dr...
Farewell Bartley Green Dojo, Gone But Never To Be ForgottenI had the chance to think long and hard about just how I should plan the lesson for what was to be the last Karate lesson held at what...
Karate and Cancer: Update Number 3So here we are in January 2019, and I am delighted to say that Enso, like myself, has survived a year. Hard to think that just over a...
Reflections on Dan Grade ExaminationsI was reflecting recently on the experience of taking black belt examinations that I have taken over the decades on my journey of study...
Kata - The Soul of KarateOne of the things that I have started to realise as I get older, and my journey of learning continues with Shotokan Karate Do, is that as...
Why Karate Is So Good For YouWatching someone that you care for suffer with dementia is a tough process. The thing is that even though you cannot see anything...